Director General's Message

Welcome to the Foundation For Organisational Research and Education, where our vision and mission guide our journey towards excellence in higher education and societal contribution. Driven by a commitment to becoming a frontrunner in the digital age, we aim to uphold global standards while embracing India's rich ethos and knowledge traditions. One of our goals is to contribute to Bharat's rise as a 'Vishwa Guru,' a beacon of knowledge and wisdom.

At the core of our mission lies a dedication to continuous excellence in management, education, research, and outreach, all fueled by cutting-edge technology. We aspire to cultivate an educational environment that fosters holistic development, nurturing ethical, creative, and socially conscious individuals who take responsibility for their actions and impact on society.

Another crucial facet of our mission is encouraging entrepreneurial spirit with a global perspective rooted in local values. We aim to instill sustainable business practices while promoting competitiveness on a global scale. Moreover, our commitment extends to creating a research ecosystem that harmonizes traditional Indian knowledge with contemporary management practices, enriching academic discourse and innovation.

We invite our stakeholders to join us in shaping a future where education, innovation, and societal well-being converge harmoniously. Together, let's build a legacy of academic excellence and societal transformation. Welcome to a transformative educational experience at FORE!

Dr. Jitendra Kumar Das
Director General